
Andy Basham – coppice craftsman, manages Hales Wood National Nature Reserve, traditional intensive ‘zero-waste’ coppice management.

Products, beanpoles, peasticks, tree and flower stakes, hedge stakes and binders, faggots, pimps and thatching spars. Available at the roadside at an unmanned ‘shop’, opposite Goldstones Farm, Radwinter Road, Ashdon, Essex, CB10 2LZ, open from Easter on into June, during daylight hours seven days a week, give me a call to check availability/stock 07971 642243

Specialist in rustic furniture as a maker and teacher, running regular courses and 1-2-1, armchairs, benches, tables, and story-telling thrones.

Walking stick shanks and blanks, scout and morris staves.

Demonstrator at events and professional advice and training in coppice management and crafts.

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